Call us or visit our restaurant: +48 61 852 20 57 ul. Garbary 48 Poznań

Dark Restaurant®


We would like to invite you to a very sensual eating experience. We change borders of sensations with a unique taste and smell of our meals that we serve in a total darkness.


Good taste arises at night...

Eating is a true feast for senses. When we turn the vision off, we automatically sharpen the rest of them: taste, smell or touch. In Dark Restaurant® you can find out how extraoridinary this experience is.

We are one of a few restaurants in the world where we serve food in complete darkness. All courses are prepared exclusively for you with care about every detail. While creating your menu, our focus is on non-traditional tastes, strong aromas and interestung textures to intentify your sensations.

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    Author's cuisine.
    Chef Radosław Nejman.

    Tireless experimenter and an enthusiast with an above-average taste and sense for aesthetics. He believes that the true pleasure of eating engages senses and emotions.


    The menu is based on the interview our crew provide with you before entering the darkness and we create it individually for each of our Guests (including food alergies and all excluded ingrediences). Every course is a surprise. Guests learn about the menu after they leave the darknes while talking to the chef, who explains the details of each meal.

    Mood Food

    150 PLN

    This menu increases the level of endorphins and brings you better mood.

    Bizarre Food

    150 PLN

    Our chef encourages you to break the taboo with this menu and its unconventional ingrediences.

    Menu Degustation

    190 PLN

    Author´s selection of our chef´s best courses.

    Super Food

    250 PLN

    This menu is composed from organic ingrediences with special nutritional value.


    Muzyka na żywo, spotkania z artystami multimedialnymi, degustacje. Cyklicznie organizujemy wydarzenia nie tylko kulinarne.

    Dear Guests, we would like to inform you that as from 1 March 2023 Dark Restaurant® will be open from Tuesday to Saturday, from 4pm. We encourage you to book your tables by phone, starting at 16:00 or by using the form available on www.

    Dear Guests,As every year, we are pleased to invite you to a special Valentine’s dinner in the dark.This year, we will be celebrating the Day of Love on February 14th and 15th.For all couples, we offer the Mood Food set, specially prepared for this occasion by Chef Radosław Nejman. 🙂 The price, including juice and […]

    I znowu - bogactwo smaków, zapachów, kształtów. Idealnie wyważone kontrasty i dopełnienia. Większość odgadujemy - choć nie od razu. Mnóstwo przy tym radości!

    Natalia Nowak , Klient

    Wizyta w Dark Restaurant wymaga pewnej otwartości na bezradność, przekroczenia własnych ograniczeń, zdania się na kogoś innego - dlatego naprawdę nie warto się spinać, nie warto przychodzić z określonymi oczekiwaniami. Trzeba raczej poddać się doświadczeniu bycia tu i teraz, trwać w oczekiwaniu, niepewności, z tym dreszczykiem niepokoju i zaciekawienia. Taka sytuacja wywołuje niezwykłą intymność, daje możliwość spędzenia czasu we dwoje.

    Natalia Nowak , Klient

    Call us or visit our restaurant